© fei lili 2024

© fei lili 2024

© fei lili 2024

typeportraithalf bodyfull body

contact via discord ( feilili ), twitter or email. please read my terms first!

© fei lili 2024

how do i commission you?
contact me on discord (feilili), twitter (@_feilili), or email here
do i need to know exactly what i want?
if you do, that's great and i'll need some reference images. if not that's also fine! we can discuss ideas and work it out together
what will you draw?
i am happy depicting body types from feminine to masculine and everything in between, fantasy features like horns, scales, tails and animal ears, detailed clothing, armour; even animal companions!
i can also create nsfw art (feel free to ask for examples) and am lgbtqia+ friendly! ♥what won't you draw?
i will turn down subject matter i feel is hateful, unethical or could land me in legal trouble. i might also decline commissions with a creative goal i don't feel like i can achieve adequately
how do you take payment?
once we agree on a plan and quote, i'll send an invoice to your paypal email to be paid in full before i begin
what happens next?
i'll get back to you soon after with a sketch for approval. at that point you can request adjustments to the pose before i continue. you can always check my current status and workload on my trello, and check in with me for a status update whenever you like. i'll reach out and update you if i expect i'll be behind schedule in getting the finished piece to you

© fei lili 2024

Coming soon.

© fei lili 2024